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Courses / Veranstaltungen Winter 2021/22

Due to the corona pandemic, teaching will take place in face-to-face or online sessions. Please refer to the course descriptions in KLIPS 2.0 for detailed information. 


No. / Nr.

Course / Veranstaltung

Course of studies

Faculty /


14302.0000 Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre (Vorlesung) B. Sc. VWL Krause
14302.0010 Bachelorseminar Volkswirtschaftslehre (Makroökonomische Themen aus den Schwerpunktbereichen des CMR) B. Sc. VWL und
B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015)

Barbie, Krause, Hasenclever, Vogel, Wicknig

14302.0300 Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik (V)  B. Sc. Man., Econ. & Soc. Sciences (Po 2021), B. Sc. VWL (PO 2015 u. PO 2021),  B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015) Braun, Messner
14302.0301 Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik (Ü) B. Sc. Man., Econ. & Soc. Sciences (Po 2021), B. Sc. VWL (PO 2015 u. PO 2021),  B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015) Braun, Messner, Wysietzki
14302.0302 Basismodul Makroökonomik für Betriebswirte (V) B. Sc. VWL und
B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015)
Braun, Messner
14302.0303 Basismodul Makroökonomik für Betriebswirte (Ü) B. Sc. VWL und
B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015)
Braun, Zdrzalek
14302.0304 Tutorien zu Basismodul Makroökonomik für Betriebswirte B. Sc. VWL und
B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015)


14302.0400 Konjunktur und Stabilisierung (Vorlesung) B. Sc. VWL  (PO 2021) Barbie, Schuster

Konjunktur und Stabilisierung (Ü)

B. Sc. VWL  (PO 2021) Schuster, Barbie
14302.0500 International Trade and Investment  (Vorlesung) B. Sc. Man., Econ. & Soc. Sciences (PO 2021) Prantl
14302.0501 International Trade and Investment (Übung) B. Sc. Man., Econ. & Soc. Sciences (PO 2021) Keding, Prantl

Wachstum und struktureller Wandel (V)

B. Sc. Man., Econ. & Soc. Sciences (Po 2021), B. Sc. VWL (PO 2015 u. PO 2021),  B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015) Funk

Wachstum und struktureller Wandel (Ü)

B. Sc. Man., Econ. & Soc. Sciences (Po 2021), B. Sc. VWL (PO 2015 u. PO 2021),  B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015) Radke, Funk
14302.0700 Wettbewerb in Wirtschaft und Politik (Vorlesung und Übung) B. Sc. Man., Econ. & Soc. Sciences (Po 2021), B. Sc. VWL (PO 2015 u. PO 2021),  B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO15) Thöne
14302.0701 BM Grundlagen der Volkswirtschaftslehre (Makroökonomik) For course assignment please refer to KLIPS 2.0. Thöne, Fath


Economic History (V) B. Sc. Man., Econ. & Soc. Sciences (Po 2021), B. Sc. VWL (PO 2015 u. PO 2021),  B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015) Hornung
14302.0901 Economic History (Ü) B. Sc. Man., Econ. & Soc. Sciences (Po 2021), B. Sc. VWL (PO 2015 u. PO 2021),  B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015)

Hornung, Hidalgo

14302.0903 Current topics in Labor and Development Economics B. Sc. Man., Econ. & Soc. Sciences (Po 2021), B. Sc. VWL (PO 2015 u. PO 2021),  B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015) Rubio Ramos

Bachelorseminar Volkswirtschaftslehre: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in empirischer Wirtschaftsgeschichte

B. Sc. VWL (PO 2015 u. PO 2021),  B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015) Hornung, Stapper, Hidalgo
14302.1000 Macroeconomics, Demographics and Health M. Sc. Gesundheitsökonomie Hansen
14302.1001 Topics in Public Economics (Bachelor)  B. Sc. VWL (PO 2015),  B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015) Hansen

Seminar in Public Economics (Bachelor)

B. Sc. VWL (PO 2015),  B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015) Hansen, Vogel



BM Macroeconomics (Master) (VL/Üb)

M.Sc. Econ.

Krause, Giovanardi

14302.0200 Money and Financial Markets (VL/Üb) M. Sc. Econ. Research (PO 2015) Schabert
14302.0201 Seminar Current Topics in Monetary Economics M.Sc. Econ. PO 2018 Schabert, Wicknig
14302.0202 Seminar Macroeconomic effects of financial frictions M.Sc. Econ. PO 2018 Schabert
14302.0203 Seminar in Tax Compliance and Tax Evasion  M.Sc. Econ. (alle POs) Neisser
14302.0304 Seminar Wealth, inequality and taxation M. Sc. Econ. (alle POs) Knowles, Messner
14302.0403 Advanced Mathematics for Economists (VL/Ub) M. Sc. Econ.  (alle POs) Barbie
14302.0502 Seminar: Robots, Entrepreneurs, and Mobile Workers M. Sc. Econ. PO (alle POs) Prantl

Seminar on Growth, Inequality and Structural Change


M. Sc. Econ. PO 2018 bzw.
PO 2021 (EM Seminar Economics)
14302.0602 Basismodul Advanced Macroeconomics I M. Sc. Econ. PO 2019 bzw.
PO 2021
Funk, Giovanardi
14302.0703 SM Advanced Public Economics (VL/Üb) M.Sc. Econ. Res.(alle POs), M. Sc. Econ. (PO 2018)  Bierbrauer
14302.0902 Development Economics  M. Sc. Econ. Res. (alle POs), M. Sc. Econ. (alle POs) Hornung, Rubio Ramos
14302.1000 Macroeconomics, Demographics and Health M. Sc. Gesundheitsökonomie Hansen
14302.1400 Financial Intermediation Theory and Financial Regulation M. Sc. Econ. Res.(PO 2019), M. Sc. Econ. (PO 2018)  Schempp
Incomings / Studium Integrale / Research Seminars/ Colloquiums
14302.0011 Macroeconomics & Public Economics Forschungsseminar   Barbie, Bierbrauer, Funk, Giovanardi, Hansen
14302.0099 Effective Programming Practices for Economists   N. N.
14302.0503 Economic Research on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (PhD-Seminar) PhD-Seminar Pranlt
14302.0600 Readinggroup Macroeconomics I   Funk, Hornung, Krause
14302.5000 Topics in Public Economics Incomings Hansen, Louis
14302.5001 Macroeconomics, Demographics and Health Incomings Hansen

Economic History (Wirtschaftsgeschichte)

Incomings Hornung, Hidalgo
14302.5003 Financial Intermediation Theory and Financial Regulation Incomings Schempp
14302.5004 Seminar in Public Economics Incomings Hansen, Vogel
14302.5005 Money and Financial Markets Incomings Schabert
14302.5006 Advanced Mathematics for Economists Incomings Barbie
14302.5007 Seminar Current Topics in Monetary Economics Incomings Schabert
14302.5008 Development Economics Incomings Hornung, Rubio Ramos, Hidalgo
14302.5009 Current topics in Labor and Development Economics Incomings Rubio Ramos
14302.5101 Einführung in Makroökonomik für BWL Incomings Braun Zdrzalek
14302.5102 Macroeconomics Incomings Giovanardi, Krause
14302.5103 International Trade and Investment Incomings Prantl