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Courses / Veranstaltungen Summer / Sommer 2023

No. / Nr.

Course / Veranstaltung

Course of studies in Economics. Information on whether the course is offered in another degree programme can be found in KLIPS 2.0.

Faculty /


14302.0000 Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre (Vorlesung) B. Sc. VWL (PO 2021) Kramm
14302.0008 Bachelorseminar Volkswirtschaftslehre (Themengebiet Growth, Inequality and Structural Change) B. Sc. VWL, B. Sc. VWL soz. (both PO 2015)

Funk, Krause, Schabert, Gansfort

14302.0009 Breakout Seminar Economics VII (BM Seminar Economics) B. Sc. VWL (PO 2021) Fath, Radke, Brinker
14302.0010 Breakout Seminar Economics VIII (BM Seminar Economics) B. Sc. VWL (PO 2021) Fath, Taft
14302.0011 Financial Institutions, liquidity and monetary policy - SM Project/Seminar Economics and Business - Economics and Finance B. Sc. VWL (PO 2021) Sobiech
14302.0012 Bachelorseminar Volkswirtschaftslehre I B. Sc. VWL (PO 2015) Braun, Knapp
14302.0200 CM Macroeconomics (Bachelor) (V) B. Sc. Man., Econ. & Soc. Sciences (PO 2021) Schabert, Ritterath
14302.0201 CM Macroeconomics (BM Fundamentals in Macroeconomics) (Üb) B. Sc. Man., Econ. & Soc. Sciences (PO 2021) aund B.Sc. VWL (PO 2021, 2015) Ritterath, Schabert
14302.0203 Geldpolitik, Banken und Finanzmärkte   Schabert
14302.0300 SM Project/Seminar Economics - Erwartungsbildung von Haushalten, Management und Investoren B. Sc. VWL (PO 2021) Kramm
14302.0302 Makroökonomik (9 ECTS) (VL) B. Sc.BWL (PO 2021 and 2015),  B. Sc. VWL &
B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015)
14302.0303 Makroökonomik (9 ECTS) (Üb) see 14302.0302 Knapp, Kochems, Kramm
14302.0304 Tutorien zu Makroökonomik (9 ECTS) see 14302.0302


14302.0400 Konjunktur und Stabilisierung (BM Makroökonomik) (VL) B. Sc. VWL  (PO 2021) Barbie
14302.0401 Konjunktur und Stabilisierung (BM Makroökonomik) (Üb) B. Sc. VWL  (PO 2021) Schuster, Barbie
14302.0402 Tutorien Konjunktur und Stabilisierung (BM Makroökonomik) B. Sc. VWL  (PO 2021) Tutoren
14302.0602 Wachstum und Ungleichheit (VL) B. Sc. Man., Econ. & Soc. Sciences (PO 2021), B. Sc. VWL (PO 2015, PO 2021),  B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015) Funk
14302.0603 Wachstum und Ungleichheit (Üb) see 14302.0602 Wysietzki, Funk
14302.0701 BM Grundlagen der VWL (Makroökonomik) see the specific courses assigned to the degree programme in KLIPS 2.0 Thöne
14302.0702 SM Project/Seminar Economics, Politics and Society - Economics and Politics B. Sc. VWL (PO 2021) Thöne
14302.0800 Economics of Inequality (Seminar) B. Sc. Man., Econ. & Soc. Sciences (PO 2021) Siegloch, Gharbi, Melentyeva
14302.0901 AM Economic History (Üb) B. Sc. Man., Econ. & Soc. Sciences (PO 2021), B. Sc. VWL (PO 2015, PO 2021),  B. Sc. VWL soz. (PO 2015) Stapper



Advanced  Macroeconomics II (VL/Üb)

M.Sc. Econ. (all POs)

Krause, Schabert, Radke

14302.0002 Macroeconomics of the Labor Market (SM Markets and Economic Policy IV) (VL/Üb) M.Sc. Econ. (PO 2021), M. Sc. Econ. Research (PO 2021) Krause
14302.0003 Computational Methods (VL/Üb) M. Sc. Econ. (all POs), M. Sc. Econ. Res. (all POs) Knowles
14302.0004 Seminar in Wage Inequality M.Sc. Econ. (PO 2018, PO 2021) Knowles
14302.0403 Seminar in Economics: Aspects of the Sustainability of Public Debt M.Sc. Econ. (PO 2018, PO 2021) Barbie
14302.0600 Growth, Inequality and Structural Change (VL/Üb) M. Sc. Econ.(PO 2021), M.Sc. Econ. Res.(PO 2019, PO 2021) Funk
14302.0601 Technical Change, Labor, and Inequality (SM Frictions, Technology, and Inequality) (VL/Üb) M.Sc. Econ. (PO 2018, PO 2021), M.Sc. Econ. Res. (PO 2019, PO 2021) Funk, Krause
14302.0703 Corporate Taxation (SM Market Design and Behavior V) (VL/Üb) M.Sc. Econ. (PO 2018, PO 2021), M.Sc. Econ. Res. (PO 2019, PO 2021) Bierbrauer
14302.0902 Determinants of Growth in Economic History  (SM Markets and Economic Policy V) (VL/Üb) M.Sc. Econ. (all PO), M.Sc. Econ. Res.(PO 2019, PO 2021) Rubio, Hornung
14302.0903 Seminar in Long-run Development and Labor M.Sc. Econ. (PO 2018 und 2021) Rubio, Stapper
Research Seminars / Colloquiums / Incomings / Studium Integrale
14302.0006 Macroeconomics & Public Economics Forschungsseminar   Barbie, Bierbrauer, Funk, Krause
14302.0007 Readinggroup Macroeconomics II   Barbie, Bierbrauer, Schabert
14302.8000 Einführung in die Makroökonomik (Studium Integrale)   Thöne