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2011 Cologne Workshop on Macroeconomics

The Center for Macroeconomic Research (CMR) 2011 “Cologne Workshop on Macroeconomics” took place at the University of Cologne on July, 10-11 

Sunday, July 10





Alexander Ludwig (CMR, University of Cologne): Welcoming Participants



Session 1


10:30 to 11:20

Michael Pries (University of Notre Dame): Reallocation and the Changing Nature of Economic Fluctuation
Discussant: Michael Reiter (IHS, Wien)

11:20 to 12:10

Dirk Krüger (University of Pennsylvania) Inter-generational Redistribution in the Great Recession
Discussant: Fabian Kindermann (Würzburg University)



12:10 to 12:30

Coffee Break



12:30 to 13:20

Mirko Wiederholt (Northwestern University): Inattention to Rare Events
Discussant: Christian Hellwig (Université Toulouse)



13:20 to 14:30




Poster Session

14:30 to 15:30

David Berger (Yale University): Countercyclical Restructering
Max Groneck (CMR, University of Cologne): Subjective Survival Beliefs in a Canonical Life-Cycle Consumption Model
Falko Juessen (Dortmund University): Assortative Mating and Female Labor Supply
Fabian Kindermann (Würzburg University): Pension Funding and Human Capital
Stanislav Rabinovich (University of Pennsylvania): Pro-cyclical Unemployment Benefits? Optimal Policy in an Equilibrium Business Cycle Model
Carlo Strub (St. Gallen University): Envelope Theorems for Non-Smooth and Non-Concave Optimization
Joe Vavra (Yale University): Inflation Dynamics and Time-Varying Uncertainty
David Weiss (University of Pennsylvania): Why Not Settle Down Already? A Quantitative Question

15:30 to 15:50

Coffee Break



Parallel Session 1A



15:50 to 16:40

Lutz Hendricks (Chapel Hill): The Return to College: Selection Bias and Dropout Risk
Discussant: Christoph Winter (Zurich University)

16:40 to 17:30

Zsofia Barany (London School of Economics): The MinimumWage and Inequality – The Effects of Education and Technology
Discussant: Alexander Bick (Frankfurt University)



17:30 to 17:50

Coffee Break



17:50 to 18:40

Sigrid Röhrs (Zurich University): Wealth Inequality and the Optimal Level of Government Debt
Discussant: Edgar Vogel (Mannheim University)

Parallel Session 1B



15:50 to 16:40

Rüdiger Bachmann (University of Michigan): Public Consumption Over the Business Cycle
Discussant: Andrew Mountford (Royal Holloway, London)

16:40 to 17:30

Matthias Hertweck (Konstanz University): Endogenous On-the-job Search and Frictional Wage Dispersion
Discussant: Martin Scheffel (University of Mannheim)



17:30 to 17:50

Coffee Break



17:50 to 18:40

Daniel Harenberg (Mannheim University): On the Welfare Effects of Social Security in a Model with Aggregate and Idiosyncratic Risk
Discussant: Dirk Krüger (University of Pennsylvania)


Conference Dinner

Monday, July 11




Parallel Session 2A

10:00 to 10:50

Christian Zimmermann (Reserve Bank of St. Louis): Is it wise to have unemployment accounts in high unemployment and long unemployment duration economies?
Discussant: Sebastian Köhne (IIES, Stockholm University)

10:50 to 11:40

Almut Balleer (IIES, Stockholm University): Expansionary and Contractionary Technology Shocks
Discussant: Christian Bayer (University of Bonn)



11:40 to 12:00

Coffee Break



12:00 to 12:50

Berthold Herrendorf (Arizona State University): Why is Labor Productivity so Low in US Agriculture?
Discussant: Moritz Kuhn (University of Bonn)



Parallel Session 2B

10:00 to 10:50

Volker Tjaden (University of Bonn): Large Open Economies and Fixed Costs of Capital Adjustment
Discussant: Marcus Hagedorn (University of Cologne)

10:50 to 11:40

Dirk Paulsen (University of Cologne): Financial Friction in General Equilibrium
Discussant: Alexander Ludwig (University of Cologne)



11:40 to 12:00

Coffee Break



12:00 to 12:50

Christian Stoltenberg (University of Amsterdam): Reconciling Consumption Inequality with Income Inequality
Discussant: Max Groneck (CMR, University of Cologne)



12:50 to 14:00


Session 2

14:00 to 14:50

Harald Uhlig (University of Chicago): Crises in Repo Markets with Adverse Selection
Discussant: Felix Bierbrauer (University of Cologne)

14:50 to 15:40

Iourii Manovskii (University of Pennsylvania): Identifying Technology Shocks in Models with Heterogeneous Inputs
Discussant: Harald Uhlig (University of Chicago)



15:40 to 16:00

Coffee Break



16:00 to 16:50

Matthias Doepke (Northwestern University): Does Female Empowerment Lead to Economic Development?
Discussant: Andreas Irmen (University of Luxembourg)






Departure of bus to Cologne


Previous conferences

  • Program and participants of our first Cologne Workshop on Macroeconomics (2010) 


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