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Research Focus

Microeconomics, and Institutions and Markets

Curriculum Vitae

Employment and Affiliations

  • 2021 - Professor of Economics and Management (W2), University of Cologne.
  • 2021 - Member, ECONtribute Cluster of Excellence: Markets & Public Policy.
  • 2021 - Member, Center for Social and Economic Behavior (C-SEB).
  • 2021 - Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Collective Goods.
  • 2019 - Research Affiliate, Insitute on Behavior and Inequality (briq), Bonn.
  • 2019 - Affiliate Member, CESifo Research Network, Munich.
  • 2019 - Research Affiliate, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR).
  • 2020 - Deputy Theme leader, CAGE Warwick.
  • 2018 - Research Associate, CAGE Warwick

Past Employment

  • 2019 - 2021 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Warwick.
  • 2018 - 2019 Postdoctoral fellow, Institute on Behavior and Inequality (briq), Bonn.


  • 2022 (scheduled) MSc. Experimental Methods, University of Cologne.
  • 2021 PhD Course on Subjective beliefs about the macroeconomy and household finance, CEBI,
  • University of Copenhagen.
  • 2021 MSc. Experimental Economics, University of Warwick.
  • 2020 MRes. Topics in Empirical Political Economy, University of Warwick.
  • 2020 MSc. Experimental Economics, University of Warwick.
  • 2017 - 2018 Tutorials for the MSc. in Economics for Development Course on Quantitative Methods: University of Oxford.
  • 2017 Undergraduate Tutorials in Quantitative Economics: Worcester College, University of Oxford.
  • 2014 - 2015 Tutorials for the MSc. in Economics for Development Course on Quantitative Methods: University of Oxford.


  • 2014 - 2018 DPhil. (PhD) in Economics (Edgeworth Prize), University of Oxford.
  • 2012 - 2014 MPhil. in Economics (with distinction), University of Oxford.
  • 2010 - 2013 BSc. Psychology (A - excellent), University of Hagen, Germany.
  • 2009 - 2012 BSc. Economics (First Class Honours), University of Warwick.

Selected publications

  • Justifying Dissent (with Leonardo Bursztyn and Georgy Egorov and Ingar Haaland and Aakaash Rao), Quarterly Journal of Economicsforthcoming

  • Opinions as Facts (with Leonardo Bursztyn and Aakaash Rao, and David Yanagizawa-Drott), Review of Economic Studies forthcoming

  • Interregional Contact and the Formation of a Shared Identity (with Manuel Bagues), American Economic Journal: Economic Policyforthcoming

  • Voice and Political Engagement: Evidence From a Field Experiment (with Anselm Hager and Lukas Hensel and Andreas Stegmann), Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.

  • Political Activists as Free-Riders: Evidence From a Natural Field Experiment (with Anselm Hager and Lukas Hensel and Johannes Hermle), The  Economic Journal, forthcoming.

  • Information Frictions Among Firms and Households (with Sebastian Link, Andreas Peichl and Johannes Wohlfart), Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming.

  • Designing Information Provision Experiments (with Ingar Haaland and Johannes Wohlfart), Journal of Economic Literature, 2023, 61(1), 3–40.

  • Beliefs about Racial Discrimination and Support for Pro-Black Policies (with Ingar Haaland), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023, 105(1): p.p.  40–53.

  • Subjective Models of the Macroeconomy: Evidence From Experts and Representative Samples (with Peter Andre and Carlo Pizzinelli and Johannes Wohlfart), Review of Economic Studies, 2022, Vol. 89(6), pp. 2958–2991.  

  • Risk Exposure and Acquisition of Macroeconomic Information (with Sonja Settele and Johannes Wohlfart), American Economic Review: Insights, 2022, 4(1): 34–53.

  • Do People Demand Fact-Checked News? Evidence From U.S. Democrats (with Felix Chopra  and Ingar Haaland), Journal of Public Economics, 2022, Vol. 205, 104549.

  • Coronavirus Perceptions and Economic Anxiety (with Thiemo Fetzer and Lukas Hensel and Johannes Hermle), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2021, 103 (5): 968–978.

  • Beliefs about Public Debt and the Demand for Government Spending (with Sonja Settele and Johannes Wohlfart), Journal of Econometrics, 2021.

  • Does Party Competition Affect Political Activism? (with Anselm Hager and Lukas Hensel and Johannes Hermle), The Journal of Politics, 2021 , 83(4), 1681-1694.

  • Does Information Change Attitudes Towards Immigrants? (with Alexis Grigorieff and Diego Ubfal), Demography, 2020, 57, 1117-1143.
  • How Do Expectations About the Macroeconomy Affect Personal Expectations and Behavior? (with Johannes Wohlfart), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2020, 102(4), 731–748.  
  • Labor Market Concerns and Support for Immigration (with Ingar Haaland), Journal of Public Economics, 2020, Vol. 191, 104256
  • Income Shocks and Suicides: Causal Evidence From Indonesia (with Cornelius Christian and Lukas Hensel), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2019, 101(5), 905–920
  • Experienced Inequality and Preferences for Redistribution (with Johannes Wohlfart), Journal of Public Economics, 2018, Vol. 167, 251-262.
  • Measuring and Bounding Experimenter Demand (with Jon de Quidt and Johannes Haushofer), American Economic Review, 2018, Vol. 108 (11), 3266-3302.